Born and raised in a VERY racist homeland.
Sadly watched as people known to me* succumbed to the viral toxicity.
Now sickening to see even the idea of racism, being inverted by the right wing…that acknowledgment of those things is now a thought crime in Aust .

Hilarious that some decided to include themselves in this.

The definition of self incrimination!  Narcissists will Narcissist! 

A choice between crossing the bridge to our future, or floundering in the past : Noel Pearson

On 14 October, Australia will vote in a historic referendum that cuts to the core of how it sees itself as a nation.

If successful, the proposal – known as the Voice – will recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the constitution, while creating a body for them to advise governments on the issues affecting their communities.

Yes advocates say it’s a “modest yet profound” change that will allow Indigenous Australians to take “a rightful place” in their own country – which has often dragged its heels confronting its past.

But those campaigning against it describe it as a “radical” proposal that will “permanently divide” the country by giving First Nations people greater rights than other Australians – a claim legal experts reject.

“Too many of us have grown up as strangers,” leading Voice advocate Noel Pearson told the Canberra Press Gallery last week.

“This referendum is the largest mirror we will ever look into as a nation… we, the Australian people, face a choice – a choice between crossing the bridge to our future or floundering in the past.” : Noel Pearson


Sickeningly it currently looks like failing.

This referendum has made utterly transparent 2 things:

1: How casually Deeply Racist so much of Aust is.

2: How much control over the population the hard right media has.

Double Jeopardy

The aust ‘Voice to Parliament’ vote in Aust (where the predominantly white australian population vote on giving the indigenous population who have lived in australia for around 60,000 years <yes 60,000> an official voice to the govt.

It looks like it will fail because racism in aust is rife, (FARK) …. is on the same day as the election here in NZ where a smug hard right racist pentecostal who’s entire agenda is to gut all social services to provide a a $20 tax break to the general population, but a really large tax break to the weathly, who has a massive advertising budget and looks like winning.

My head is fucking exploding.

2 sickening likely outcomes on the same day.

TASMAN RICHARDSON (is rather good)

This is an extract of his work Firing Squad I first witnessed as a live performance at the Nemo Festival in Paris 2011. I found it astoundingly powerful and really inspiring at the time. I highly recommend having a dive into his work!

Longer cut if its of interest.


Option 2: Accept that we are deluding ourselves.

Get Ready for the Forever Plague

Public health officials’ COVID complacency has opened the door to new illnesses and devastating long-term damage.

First read this by Andrew Nikiforuk:


Then while ya all fired up and trying to reject it:



Jacinda Ardern

Given the shattering deluge of violent misogynistic abuse levelled at her by the ‘right wing’ I totally understand why she’s stepping back, but…

 I’m still totally GUTTED!

She’s been brilliant as a PM of New Zealand, and led the world on how to respond to catastrophic  events, while right wing govts and media globally have been been, by their actions and inaction,  directly responsible for thousands of deaths, so of course, the same have spent all their toxic energy trying to undermine her.

She was prime minister through the country’s darkest times. “She did so with absolute dignity while managing to keep our country’s economic status in line with the most successful OECD countries in the world.”

“Prime Minister @JacindaArdern has guided New Zealand through crises and seized opportunities by leading with foresight, integrity and empathy. Her country is better off because of her remarkable leadership—and the rest of us are too.”