Really delighted how well my new toy has been received

From the very Wonderful Jeff Rona

“Modwheel’s new WaveSkimmer is a deceptively simple and incredibly powerful instrument. I am always looking for ways to add subtle movement and rhythms to my cues, and WaveSkimmer has pretty close to infinite sonic and musical possibilities. It’s helping me with my deadline right now!”




Revises & Relaunches
PERC+ Percussion Library

PERC+ features 128 patches for Kontakt 5.5 or higher. It includes cymbals, bells, gongs, objects, small percussions, tuned instruments as well as upright piano and a viola da gamba. With up to 10 round robins and 20 layer velocities depending on the instrument.

We bought it back in 2014 and having used it extensively we’ve had some ideas on how to make it an even better user experience. So the interface has been streamlined to make this huge library more immediately useable. The patches are the same but following MODWHEEL’S simple principle of ‘less is more’ we’ve redesigned the GUI curating a few choice functions on the front page for the user.

These include Envelope, Tuning, Body, Reverb, Delay, Arpeggiator and Stutter Key. And of course all the usual Kontakt functionality is still available via the spanner tool.

Get your copy by making a NZ$45 donation to Tironui Music Trust

As with the original concept proceeds of sales will go to a music charity – this time one based in New Zealand.

We’re supporting Tironui Music Trust who are based in South Auckland, NZ.

They provide instruments and tuition to kids aged between 8 -12 at low decile schools (schools in lower socio-economic communities) They can play string or band instruments and learn the basics of reading music, playing an orchestral instrument and performing as a group.